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Q1 What does the training entail?
A1 Four half-hour presentations which you can access online at a time to suit you (once you have registered). The first 3 modules cover BVD and the final module covers the new BVDFree England Scheme.
This is followed by the assessment which will take most vets between 10 - 15 minutes to complete. The format throughout is multiple choice questions; there are no free text questions to answer.
You do not need to complete the training in a single sitting.
Q2 I already know about BVD; I am actively working on BVD control with my farmers. I doubt I will learn anything new so why should I spend time going through the modules?
A2 If you feel confident, you can skip the training modules and go straight to the assessment. Hopefully though you will want to watch the training modules just to check you agree on the content! Although BVD is a virus that can easily be eradicated with the right focus, it can be quite a challenge remembering which tests can be used, what they can tell you and when should you take them. For many of us, it can also be useful to have a quick refresher; sometimes there are one or two points you pick up that you hadn’t been aware of before and running through the modules counts as part of our annual CPD.
As the BVDFree Scheme has recently launched the Test Negative Herd Status, learning about it through the fourth module will help arm you with much more information should you be grilled by your farmers!
Q3 What will it cost me to take this training course?
A3 BCVA are always keen to offer CPD for its members at a very competitive rate. We always seek input from experts in their field so you can be assured that you receive high quality content and easy, convenient delivery and access. Members will be charged £10. Non-members will be charged £55. This will help BCVA recover its delivery costs. Payment will be at the time of registration - a simple process.
Q4 Why bother?
A4 By supporting BVDFree England, you will be helping control BVD in a coordinated manner and ultimately to achieve BVD eradication nationally, which will benefit the whole industry including cattle vets now and in the future.
As part of the BVDFree Test Negative Herd Status application, which must be completed by the farmer and vet, you must have completed this training course, which forms part of your vet declaration.
Q5 Do I get any recognition for completing this course?
A5 Upon successful completion of this course, you receive a certificate from BCVA and BVDFree. By completing the course, you will have the advantage of having a higher level of awareness of BVD, its control and of how the new BVDFree Scheme works. This is something we would encourage you to use in communications with your farmers, to show at least one vet in the practice has BVDFree/BCVA certification – a valuable point of differentiation!
Below is a Map showing all vets who have completed the training.
Click the square logo in the top right corner to make the map and list bigger.