
Cattle Quarterlycqfcimage

Cattle Quarterly offers BCVA members regular access to CPD, case studies, news, and a range of engaging articles to support their lives and careers. There will are four editions each year and all members have access to the publication online, with the option of also receiving the print edition.




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Cattle Practice is the primary BCVA journal, usually published digitally and in print once a year. It contains submissions relevant to the practice of cattle veterinary medicine in the UK and is circulated to all BCVA Members, plus additional subscribers. Cattle Practice also includes Congress Proceedings so every delegate at the annual BCVA Congress will receive copy. Members can access past editions and specific papers via our search engine.

Advertising in Cattle Practice targets key decision makers amongst our membership – from practice owners to leaders in industry and academia.



If you would like to advertise please contact the BCVA Office on 01452 725735 or email

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