BCVA Accredited Johne's Veterinary Adviser Training

Register HERE

Please note: You must be a Veterinary Surgeon to complete this training.

60 cow screen

Protocol for random 60 cow Screen

60 cow screen FAQ's

Click on the images below to view the videos.

FE johnes

EI johnes

SP johne's


Q1 How do I become a BAJVA?
A1 Register with BCVA to gain access to the online modules, and correctly answer the multiple-choice style assessment to show you understand important aspects of Johne’s management and the 6 control strategies. Your name will be added to a list of accredited vets which will be held by BCVA and shared with the National Johne’s Action Group to be included on the Action Johne’s website.

Q2 Do I need to be a BAJVA to provide a Johne’s action plan for my clients as part of the Initiative?
A2 Yes.

Q3 What does the training entail?
A3 Five modules which you can access online at a time to suit you (once you have registered). This is followed by the assessment which will take most vets around 10 minutes to complete.

Q4 I spent 5 years at vet school/ I have done my PhD in Johne’s disease/ I have been advising clients about Johne’s for over 30 years/ when it comes to Johne’s disease, I am Yoda, the all-knowing Jedi Master, do I still need to do the online training modules to become a BAJVA?
A4 If you feel confident, you can skip the training modules but to become accredited you will still need to pass the assessment. But hopefully, as an all-knowing Johne’s Master you will wish to watch the training modules in any case just to check you agree! Those of us who are lesser mortals will most likely find the training modules informative and very useful (and part of our annual CPD).

Q5 What will it cost me to become accredited?
A5 We are keeping the barrier to accreditation as low as possible. BCVA members can register and access the training modules and do the assessment all for £10. Non-members will be charged £55. This will help BCVA recover its delivery costs. Payment will be at the time of registration - a simple process.

Q6 Why bother?
A6 Because you will be helping control Johne’s disease nationally in a co-ordinated manner which will benefit the whole industry including cattle vets now and in the future.

Q7 Can I use the post-nominals “BAJVA” if I pass my accreditation?
A7 Of course, with pride! You will also be able to use a BAJVA logo to show your accreditation.

Below is a map showing all Johne's Advisor Accredited Vets

Click the square logo in the top right corner to make the map and list bigger.