A fond farewell to a founder: obituary for A. David Weaver

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It is with great sadness that we heard of the recent passing of one of BCVA’s influential founding members. Professor A. David Weaver BSc DrMedVet PhD Dr (h.c.) FRCVS, was born in Beverley, East Yorkshire in 1930. After National Service in the Royal Navy, he attended Dick Vet School, Edinburgh, graduating in 1955, taking up his first job as an assistant in York. He won a British Council Scholarship to the veterinary school in Hannover for an intern year in the cattle clinic, and wrote his Masters dissertation on general anaesthesia in cattle using Thiogenal (Merkt, Darmstadt) as induction agent.

Prof. Weaver went on to become a senior lecturer in large animal surgery at Glasgow veterinary school. Here he gained his PhD and was awarded the Steele-Bodger travel scholarship for travel to various European veterinary schools with interests in cattle digital diseases.

On the 7th April, 1967, David joined colleagues at the first BCVA meeting at the RVC Potters Bar campus, chaired by Charles Grunsell from the University of Bristol. David went on to have a great influence on setting the foundations for BCVA and in creating an ambitious programme of education for cattle vets.

Prof. Weaver published extensively, often as co-author with outstanding teachers including Paul Greenough, and Roger Blowey with whom he wrote three editions of the successful and unique Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of Cattle, the established and respected illustrated guide to the range of conditions encountered in cattle worldwide. He also sat on the editorial board of Veterinary Record.

In 2020 we BCVA recognised Professor Weaver’s contribution with Honorary Life Membership last October in recognition of his continued support of the association. We send our deepest condolences to his family and all those who have had the privilege to know and work with David over the years.